The Graduate Council has as its charge:
(a) to advocate for and promote graduate and postdoctoral education at Rice University,
(b) to serve as an advisory group to the Faculty Senate and to the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and, as appropriate, to other members of the administration, including Deans, Provost, and President in areas related to graduate students and graduate degree programs,
(c) to act as a committee of the Faculty Senate in considering proposals for new graduate degree programs and major changes in existing ones,
(d) to select recipients of fellowships available to students in more than one division,
(e) to recommend policies governing graduate programs, graduate student teaching, and graduate student life,
(f) to establish procedures for reviewing and making decisions on graduate student petitions, appeals and grievances,
(g) to prepare a brief, written report on the activities of the Graduate Council at the end of each academic year, and to submit copies of the reports to the President of the University, the Provost, the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, and the Faculty Senate.
Updated 2016